Artist Julio Stanly Flores

Julio Flores

I attended New York Academy of Art’s ‘A Figurative reconstruction: 2009 MFA Diploma’ exhibition this past monday. My friend Julio Flores was ending his 2 year masters program and I needed to check out his work. I haven’t seen Julio’s work since I left LCAD, where we attended together, so I wasn’t sure what to expect… well, I came out of there very, very impressed, nostalgic and inspired. Julio showed me his studio, which took me back to school… we reminisced about our studies and he filled me in on his new work and techniques.

Julio Flores

I also documented some of my favorite pieces from the show. Check them all out here.

There was some very good and original work…and some not too exciting…but always good to see what these schools are doing for the artists… Julio is a great example of hard work and mastered technique, patience and time. He has progressed so much since our school years in Laguna.

Check out more of Julio’s work.