Today I got to visit the Dr. Oliver Bronson in the city of Hudson. Seldom do they open the doors for the public, so I feel very lucky to have experienced it this weekend. Adding to the treat, the city invited 3 known artists to show within the house’s walls. The artist chose not to be tagged and titled as any other gallery, making each piece blend exquisitely with the historic home.
Valerie Hammond’s pop of color and delicate work felt like a door into a dark and fascinating (sometimes terrifying) world. It really enhanced the surrealness of the environment surrounding it.
Kiki Smith’s drawings where really fragile yet depicted some interesting and complex characters. They where a perfect fit with its harsh yet beautiful home.
Seton Smith’s photographs displayed the hazy beauty of this grand structure. A great compliment to the exhibit.
I was incredibly please and enjoyed every minute of this gem. Thank you Hudson for organizing such a great group of artist, they were made for this historic property.
Built in 1812, the Dr. Oliver Bronson’s was declared a national historical landmark in 2003 and has been going through renovations since. If you want to help and become part of this incredible piece of history’s facelift, you can make a donation to Historic Hudson, Inc.
Fun Fact: The Oliver-Bronson house was in the 2012 Bourne Legacy film as Shearing’s (Rachel Weisz) home.