artist daniel thouw

Daniel Thouw has been working hard! He is making some really cool drawings and I love seeing his progression as an artist and friend. Daniel is also the guy behind this super good movie about graffiti called Alter Ego. Check out his new blog.

My friends are a true source of inspiration and motivation. I’m very proud. Here are some examples of his latest work…

sneak peek

My latest project. This time I am using an old technique I learned in college. Underpainting in grays, then will go on top with thin layers of oil color. I’m trying to achieve a high level of detail here. I usually do NOT have the patience to paint with such detail. I tend to go straight with color and paint with loose brush strokes… I am enjoying this very much though, and looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

UPDATE: just finished the underpainting… now on to color!

© marikeeler

beginning of color layer:


‘Narcissus Dream’

Here is the 12×12 painting I did for my latest group show at Mighty Tanaka. It was a quick one, but I am happy with the results. Thanks to the person who bought it! I hope it looks nice on your wall 😉

© marikeeler

Alexa Meade

Wow wow wow! I love this.

I was skimming through NYLON mag this morning and ran into an article on artist Alexa Meade. take a close look…. these are real people. amazing. This reminds me of Laguna Beach’s Pageant of the Masters.

Also check out her flickr page for more work. I’m Impressed!

© Alexa Meade, Portrait of Self-Portrait.
© Alexa Meade, Concealed 2
© Alexa Meade, Blueprint
© Alexa Meade, Transit

hello! I’m sorry it’s been a slow blog month. Travel+work+really cold weather has prevented me from doing much other than travel, work and be wrapped under a blanket. 🙂 I AM starting a large painting tonight. Largest I have done in my tiny studio. So I am very excited to show you the process….till then!

feliz año!

Good-bye to a great year and a great decade. So much change, growth and love. I hope this new year brings you all the best. Never stop being creative!

© marikeeler

The Books!!

I saw these guys Saturday night at Carnegie Hall’s Zankel Hall. WHAT A SHOW. I was incredibly inspired and about to ask my parents to ship out my guitar and drum and maracas and any other instrument that’s laying around so I can start playing again. You must explore these guy’s work. A Visual, electronic and acoustic marriage that is bound to last.

The Books.

Zanker Hall is also a flexible space. Check out this time lapse video of the room in motion.