Cai Guo-Qiang at the Guggenheim

Cai Guo-Qiang “I want to believe” is showing until May 28th and I HIGHLY recommend it.


I have never seen the Guggenheim utilize its space such as this. Its beautiful, full of energy, and grand. I’ve never heard of this Chinese artist until last week and had heard a buzz about this show… ‘a must see’.., I didn’t really know what to expect except for what I had seen in this video, which is very impressive, so I had to check this out for myself…

Feels like there is an explosion of energy in the museum, so much work, and so many different ideas and executions. It’s a bit overwhelming but in the greatest sense. Objects are mid air. Stand still yet have so much momentum. Shapes are organic and odd, yet recognizable. colors are subtle and earthy and calming, but some works are disturbing and violent at the same time. There are live birds and live snakes, a river that you can ride in a small boat, Chinese history being sculpted as you walk by, very large gunpowder paintings that were uniquely beautiful, and much more. I experienced a wide range of senses and emotions…but mostly positive. This show really gets your mind going and let’s me appreciate installation art and offbeat/pretty insane ideas. I hope you can see it. I have pics on my flickr (before they told me to turn off the camera).

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